A Critical Time To Act

COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND TOBACCO USE make very bad bedfellows. Reducing tobacco use during the Covid-19 Pandemic is critical. Our partners at Tobacco-Free Jax have provided us super important information to help you quit.

The connection between tobacco use and COVID-19.
Both tobacco and COVID-19 harm the respiratory and immune systems—and both can result in death.1 Smokers who become infected with COVID-19 may be at higher risk for serious health complications. In addition, young people who use e-cigarettes are 5 to 7 times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19.2 Preventing tobacco addiction has always saved lives. But today, it may save even more lives.

Reducing tobacco use boosts the economy.
Both tobacco use and COVID-19 have taken a staggering toll on Florida’s economy. While COVID-19’s impact was sudden, the economic impact of tobacco-related death, disease, and illness is ongoing. Smoking costs our state more than $8.5 billion in healthcare costs and lost productivity every year. Each household in Florida pays $702 in state and federal taxes to address smoking-caused government expenditures.3

Quitting YOUR way is FREE for all Florida residents.
The best thing you can do for your health is to quit tobacco. If you need help quitting, Tobacco Free Florida offers free tools and services, like 24/7 access to speak to a Quit Coach and a 2-week supply of nicotine patches, gum or lozenges shipped to your home. Learn more about all the tools and services at tobaccofreeflorida.com/quityourway.


Partner Highlight: Dr. Issa Hanna UF Jax Health